The regulatory function remains the responsibility of the State and can be exercised by Government and/or independent Safety, Airspace and Economic Regulators depending on the national institutional arrangements. Often you will see a division between the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) (the Regulator) and the ANSP (the Air Navigation Service Provider).
An Air Navigation Service Provider — The air navigation service provider is the authority directly responsible for providing both visual and non-visual aids to navigation within a specific airspace in compliance with, but not limited to, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annexes 2, 6, 10 and 11; ICAO Documents 4444 and 9426; and, other international, multi-national, and national policy, agreements or regulations.
An Air Traffic Service Provider is the relevant authority designated by the State responsible for providing air traffic services in the airspace concerned. Air traffic services is generic and can mean: flight information service, alerting service, air traffic advisory service, air traffic control service (area control service, approach control service or aerodrome control service), etc.
Both ANSPs and ATSPs can be public, private or corporatized organisations and examples of the different legal models exist throughout the world today. The world's ANSPs are united in and represented by the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) based at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Netherlands.
In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provides this service to all aircraft in the National Airspace System (NAS). With the exception of facilities operated by the Department of Defense (DoD), the FAA is responsible for all aspects of U.S. Air Traffic Control including hiring and training controllers, although there are contract towers located in many parts of the country. A contract tower is an Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) that performs the same function as an FAA-run ATCT but is staffed by employees of a private company (Martin State Airport in Maryland is an example). DoD facilities are generally staffed by military personnel and operate separately but concurrently with FAA facilities, under similar rules and procedures. In Canada, Air Traffic Control is provided by NAV CANADA, a private, non-share capital corporation that operates Canada's civil air navigation service.
Albania - Agjencia Nacionale e Trafikut Ajror
Armenia - Armenian Air Traffic Services (ARMATS)
Austria - Austro Control
Australia - Airservices Australia (State Owned Corporation) and Royal Australian Air Force.
Belarus - Republican Unitary Enterprise "Белаэронавигация (Belarusian Air Navigation)"
Belgium - Belgocontrol
Brazil - Departmento de Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Military Authority) and ANAC - Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil
Bulgaria - Air Traffic Services Authority
Canada - NAV CANADA - formerly provided by Transport Canada and Canadian Forces
Central America - Corporación Centroamericana de Servicios de Navegación Aérea
Guatemala - DGAC (Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil)
El Salvador
Costa Rica - Dirección General de Aviación Civil
Colombia - (UAEAC) Aeronáutica Civil Colombiana
Croatia - Hrvatska kontrola zračne plovidbe (Croatia Control Ltd.)
Cuba - IACC (Instituto de Aeronáutica Civil de Cuba)
Czech Republic - Řízení letového provozu ČR
Denmark - Naviair (Danish ATC)
Dominican Republic - IDAC (Instituto Dominicano de Aviación Civil) "Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation"
Estonia - Estonian Air Navigation Services
Europe - Eurocontrol - (European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation)
Finland - Finavia
France - Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile (DGAC) : Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne (DSNA) (Government body)
Georgia - SAKAERONAVIGATSIA, Ltd. (Georgian Air Navigation)
Germany - Deutsche Flugsicherung (German ATC - State-owned company)
Greece - Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA)
Hong Kong - CAD (Civil Aviation Department)
Hungary - HungaroControl Magyar Légiforgalmi Szolgálat Zrt. (HungaroControl Hungarian Air Navigation Services Pte. Ltd. Co.)
Iceland - ISAVIA
Indonesia - Angkasa Pura II
Ireland - IAA (Irish Aviation Authority)
India - Airports Authority of India (AAI) (under Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government Of India)
Italy - ENAV (Italian ATC)(Ente Nazionale Assistenza al Volo - Italian ATC)
Jamaica - JCAA (Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority)
Latvia - LGS (Latvian ATC)
Lithuania - ANS (Lithuanian ATC)
Macedonia - DGCA (Macedonian ATC)
Malaysia - DCA-Department of Civil Aviation
Malta - Malta Air Traffic Services Ltd
Mexico - Servicios a la Navegación en el Espacio Aéreo Mexicano
Nepal - Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal
Netherlands - Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (LVNL) (Dutch ATC) Eurocontrol (European area control ATC)
New Zealand - Airways New Zealand (State Owned Enterprise)
Norway - Avinor (State-owned private company)
Pakistan - Civil Aviation Authority (under Government of Pakistan)
Peru - Centro de Instrucción de Aviación Civil CIAC Civil Aviation Training Center
Philippines - Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) (under the Philippine Government)
Poland - PANSA - Polish Air Navigation Services Agency
Portugal - NAV - NAV (Portuguese ATC)
Romania - Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration - (ROMATSA)
Russia - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State ATM Corporation" - (State ATM Corporation)
Saudi Arabia - General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA)
Singapore - CAAS (Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore)
Serbia - Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency Ltd. (SMATSA)
Slovakia - Letové prevádzkové služby Slovenskej republiky
Slovenia - Slovenia Control
South Africa - Air Traffic and Navigation Services. (ATNS)
Spain - AENA (Spanish ATC and Airports)
Sweden - The LFV Group (Swedish ATC)
Switzerland - Skyguide
Taiwan - ANWS Civil Aeronautical Administration
Thailand - AEROTHAI (Aeronautical Radio of Thailand)
Trinidad and Tobago - TTCAA (Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority)
Turkey - DGCA (Turkish Directorate General of Civil Aviation)
United Arab Emirates - General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA)
United Kingdom - National Air Traffic Services (49% State Owned Public-Private Partnership)
United States - Federal Aviation Administration (Government Body)
Ukraine - Ukrainian State Air Traffic Service Enterprise (UkSATSE)
Venezuela - INAC (Instituto Nacional de Aviación Civil)