
Many laws have been created to restrict industries from dumping materials into the water.  However, many laws remain weak, and many countries do not restrict water pollution.

In the United States, the Clean Water Act was written to completely put an end to all dumping of pollutants into water.  The law has not been that effective in many areas, but in other locations, it has achieved its goals.

Since the Clean Water Act, other legislation has been enacted as well.  Now, eleven different federal government agencies and 21 federal government programs all monitor the quality of water and regulate pollution.

The world has spent tremendous sums of money trying to clean up water.  From 1972-1990, the US spent over $250 billion. 
Many non-governmental projects are also being carry out in an effort to clean up the water. 
Industries are beginning to reduce the amount of chemicals they dump into water, and environmental groups are participating in cleanup projects.

The different types:

How to Prevent Land Pollution
The best way to prevent land pollution is to recycle. Here are a few other ways you can reduce land pollution:

  • Reuse any items that you can
  • Buy biodegradable products
  • Store all liquid chemicals and waste in spill-proof containers
  • Eat organic foods that are grown without pesticides
  • Don’t use pesticides
  • Use a drip tray to collect engine oil
  • Buy products that have little packaging
  • Don’t dump motor oil on the ground

How to Prevent Air Pollution
The number one way to prevent air pollution is to walk or bike more and drive less. This will prevent fossil fuels from polluting the air. Here are some other ways to prevent air pollution:

  • Carpool or join a ride share with friends and coworkers
  • Don’t smoke
  • Keep your car maintenance up-to-date
  • If you have to drive, do your errands at one time
  • Don’t buy products that come in aerosol spray cans
  • Avoid using lighter fluid when barbecuing outside
  • When you drive accelerate slowly and use cruise control
  • Always replace your car’s air filter
  • Use a push or electric lawnmower rather than a gas-powered one
  • Don’t use harsh chemical cleaners that can emit fumes
  • Inspect your gas appliances and heaters regularly

How to Prevent Water Pollution
The best way to prevent water pollution is to not throw trash and other harmful chemicals into our water supplies. Here are a few more ways you can prevent water pollution:

  • Wash your car far away from any stormwater drains
  • Don’t throw trash, chemicals or solvents into sewer drains
  • Inspect your septic system every 3-5 years
  • Avoid using pesticides and fertilizers that can run off into water systems
  • Sweep your driveway instead of hosing it down
  • Always pump your waste-holding tanks on your boat
  • Use non-toxic cleaning materials
  • Clean up oil and other liquid spills with kitty litter and sweet them up
  • Don’t wash paint brushes in the sink